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Legal Name:
Primary Email Address
This is required for our Recovery House Manager to get in touch with you.
Format: MMDDYYYY (No spaces, dashes, or other symbols.
Format: MMDDYYYY (No spaces, dashes, or other symbols.
Emergency Contact Name:
If no previous history, please enter “no history”.
History of previous Psychiatric Hospitalizations?
If no previous Psychiatric Hospitalization history, skip this field.
Do you have any current suicidal or homicidal ideations?
Have you ever been diagnosed with PTSD?
Have you ever had a previous attempt at suicide?
Format: MMDDYYYY (No spaces, dashes, or other symbols. If no history of suicide attempts exist, skip this field.
If no MH history exists, please skip this field.
If no Medical Conditions exist, please skip this field.
If you have no medications, you must enter “no medications”. If medications are listed, please include the name, strength, and dosing frequency.
Are you able to walk up and down three flights of stairs on your own without assistive devices?
You must have IOP or evaluation set up for the first week after you arrive. If you currently do not have one, please list “I don’t have one.”
What is your substance of choice? (Select all that apply)
Format: MMDDYYYY (No spaces, dashes, or other symbols.
Please list your Home Group and Sponsor's name:
Significant Other's Name (If applicable):
Will there be children coming to visit you?
Is the ID listed above active?
Do you have any of the following current/open legal issues? Select all that apply.
Have you ever been convicted of a sex crime?
Have you ever been convicted of Assault and/or Battery?
Have you been administratively discharged or evicted from any treatment facility or recovery house within the past 30 days?
Are you willing to go to 90 meetings in 90 days?
Are you willing to follow all house rules?
Personal Reference #1
Personal Reference #2
Do you understand you will be subject to random drug testing?
Do you understand that if you are asked to leave the 3/4 house; you have approximately 1 hour to remove all of your personal belongings and vacate the premises?
Please type your full name to show agreement with the above statement:
By entering your First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name in the fields provided, you certify that this entry constitutes your digital signature on this application for SpiritLife’s ¾ Recovery House. You acknowledge that this digital signature is legally binding and affirms that the information provided in this application is accurate to the best of your knowledge.
By entering your initials in the field provided, you certify that this entry serves as your digital initials on this application for SpiritLife’s ¾ Recovery House. You understand that these digital initials confirm your agreement to the information disclosed and affirm its accuracy.